Axion Esti // Αξιον Εστι // Μέλι, Μελισσοκομικά προϊόντα // Honey, Products Bee | Vanilla Fir Organic Honey
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Organic Honey
“Vanilla” from Fir

The Organic Fir “Axion Esti” is collected by the bees in the lush fir forests of Mount Mainalo in Arcadia, at 2000m (6560 ft) of altitude. There, where nature shows her greatness, the bees carefully pick the fir trees and a variety of mountainous herbs creating thus; the unique in the world “Vanilla Fir” honey of gold and pearl shades. It is the first honey that has been officially recognized as a product of Protected Designation of Origin. It is not only unique but it is low on sugar; the taste is sweetish and its texture does not crystallize. The nutritional and biological values are very high because it is rich in minerals and holds antiseptic, diuretic and antianemia properties.

Organic Honey
“Vanilla” from Fir
Product of Organic Farming
Harvest Area: Menalo Mountain, Arcadia
Collection period: June-July
Avaliable packages:
250 gr/ 450 g / 800 g