Axion Esti // Αξιον Εστι // Μέλι, Μελισσοκομικά προϊόντα // Honey, Products Bee | Organic Forest & Thyme Honey
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Organic Honey
forest & thyme
The Organic Honey “Forest and Thyme” is collected by the bees in early summertime, when thyme blossoms along with other wildflowers of the season. It is unique and not found anywhere else in the world, while its concentration of the enzyme “diastasi” places it as one of the best honey varieties worldwide. The mix gives-up an intense honey aroma, has a bright yellow-orange color with reddish tones and it is full bodied with a characteristic sugary flavor that lingers in the

Organic Honey
forest & Thyme
Product of Organic Farming
Harvest Area: Mycenae
Collection period: June
Avaliable packages:
250 g / 450 g / 800 g