Axion Esti // Αξιον Εστι // Μέλι, Μελισσοκομικά προϊόντα // Honey, Products Bee | Herbal Soap with Royal Jelly
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Herbal Soap
with organic Royal Jelly
sapouni me vaspoltos
sapouni me vaspoltos-no-label-20gr

The Axion Esti herbal soap made from organic Royal Jelly. Combines plant-based soda and glycerin with almond oil, organic royal jelly, excellent French perfume and sterile water.


Use it in the shower, for face cleanser or as plain soap.

Soap with Royal Jelly
( organic royal jelly )
Avaliable packages:
Hexagon soaps
in protective plastic and outer paper packaging
100 g / 20 g